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Alternatieve geneeskunde in USA universiteiten

Amerika pakt het groot aan. Terwijl in Nederland enkelen menen dat alternatieve geneeskunde niets voor dokters mag zijn, geven meer dan 30 topuniversiteiten in de USA uitgebreid onderwijs op dit gebied! In het Consortium in de USA, waar 39 universiteiten bij zijn aangesloten, (Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine) wordt door veel universiteiten een totaal pakket aangeboden op onderwijs gebied. 

Zo zijn er bijvoorbeeld bij de universiteiten van Arizona en het Albert Einstein college de volgende mogelijkeden van onderwijs: studenten programma’s, arts-assistenten blokken, Fellowships, en zelfs trainingen voor werkers in de gezondheidszorg "Program Training for Allied Health Practitioners" Ook onderwijs blokken voor artsen in de praktijk zijn georganiseerd. Een zeer vooruitstrevende groep universiteiten. Het het Amerikaanse ministerie betaald momenteel 15 onderwijsprojecten, vanuit het National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM): 

Responding to these needs, NCCAM funded 15 Education Project grants. An important goal of this novel grant program was to incorporate CAM health education information into the curricula of established medical, dental, nursing, and allied health professional schools, residency training programs, and continuing education programs.



Be Smart About Integrative Medicine


We geven enkele voorbeelden van universitaire programma’s, met name met het oog op de komende KNMG discussie:

Albert Einstein

Integrative Medicine Elective for Medical Students

This is a one-month elective taught in conjunction with a required rotation for second year Beth Israel Family Medicine residents. The course is offered annually in April. Goals of the course are to provide basic skills in nutritional assessment and therapeutics, use of herbals and dietary supplements, and applications of mind-body medicine. The course is taught by an interdisciplinary faculty including physicians, chiropractors, acupuncturists, osteopaths, and nutritionists.

Integrative Medicine Elective for Resident Physicians

This is a one-month elective taught in conjunction with a required rotation for second year Beth Israel Family Medicine residents. The course is offered annually in April. Goals of the course are to provide basic skills in nutritional assessment and therapeutics, use of herbals and dietary supplements, and applications of mind-body medicine. The course is taught by an interdisciplinary faculty including physicians, chiropractors, acupuncturists, osteopaths, and nutritionists.

Integrative Medicine Fellowship (Post-Residency Physician Training Program)

We are one of six sites for the Integrative Family Medicine program led by University of Arizona; to qualify for this program applicants must be enrolled in the Beth Israel Residency in Urban Family Practice. We are also a site for the Bravewell Fellowship in Integrative Medicine. In addition we have a year-long, one half-day per week CME-type fellowship for physicians and other health professionals.

Duke University

Integrative Medicine Elective for 4th Year Duke Medical Students

This is a 4-week, full-time 4th year elective that explores the issues presented in the second-year course in significantly more depth and seeks to link with each student’s medical career interests. Duke IM faculty, staff, and community practitioners mentor and teach in this elective, which devotes efforts to self-care, self-inquiry, health assessment, health coaching, evidence assessment in complementary and alternative medicine, and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. A project and presentation are also required.

Integrative Medicine Elective for Resident Physicians

Elective experiences are sometimes arranged for Duke residents on a case-by-case basis, when circumstances align well with a particular resident’s interests and availability. Other programmatic initiatives are in development, focused on self care and based on earlier pilot work with Duke resident group.

Integrative Medicine Fellowship (Post-Residency Physician Training Program)

Over the past 3 years, Duke has worked with the Bravewell Philanthropic Collaborative and the University of Arizona (U of A) to provide a two year faculty development experience, for which Duke health care professionals ( MD, DO, NP, PA) may apply. This includes didactic training through the U of A’s Fellowship in Integrative Medicine and professional contribution at Duke Integrative Medicine. The second class of Duke Faculty is now underway. The ability to offer these faculty development opportunities in the future will be contingent on funding.

University of Alberta

Integrative Medicine Fellowship (Post-Residency Physician Training Program) Pediatric Integrative Medicine Fellowship:

Stollery Children’s Hospital, University of Alberta The Complementary and Alternative Research and Education (CARE) Program, part of the Division of General Pediatrics at the Stollery Children’s Hospital, is offering a clinical Fellowship in Pediatric Integrative Medicine. This program is not accredited by The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. The fellowship is focused upon providing opportunities to integrate skills and concepts about healing and wellness which represent the best evidence in both conventional and complementary medicine. The fellow will learn about a broad range of CAM topics, emphasizing the evidence base for each, and use this information to inform children and families, students as well as clinic and CARE employees. The CARE team will serve as mentors, teachers and role models for developing an integrative medical practice. The fellowship will follow general guidelines, but will be tailored to meet each fellow’s strengths and interests.


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