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Variant van Q10 werkt niet bij Parkinson

Een chemische variant van Q10 blijkt in een fase II studie niet werkzaam bij Parkinson patienten. De hoop was dat een verbeterde versie van Q10 een meetbaar effect zou hebben op het remmen van het verslechteren van de ziekte van Parkison. Dat bleek dus niet zo. Hier de samenvatting.

A chemically modified form of coenzyme Q10 with 1000 times the protective power against oxidative stress does not alter the course of Parkinson’s disease, according to this report. 

Mitoquinone is an CoQ10 derivative with a highly lipophilic tail, designed to pass more easily into mitochondria. In animal models, it is 1000 times as protective against oxidative stress as CoQ10 itself.  

One hundred thirty PD patients with mean UPDRS total score of 25.5 were randomized to placebo, 40 mg/day, or 80 mg/day mitoquinone.

After 12 months, there was no difference among the groups on total UPDRS, UPDRS subscores, Schwab and England scale, Mini-Mental State Exam, time tapping, or time to requirement for antiparkinson medication. 

The authors conclude, "The clear lack of effect on the progression of PD shown in this trial must be considered when considering the hypothesis that mitochondrial oxidative stress plays a central role in the progression of PD."


E-MOVE reports from the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, Chicago, April 14-18, 2008. Poster and platform session numbers are from Neurology 2008;70(suppl 1): Phase II study of the mitochondrial antioxidant MitoQ for Parkinson’s diseaseB Snow, F Booth, M Lockhart, C Frampton, RAJ Smith, MP Murphy, K TaylorIN6-1.009, A483 

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